The Way Forward: From Early Republic to People’s Republic (1912 – 1949) by Jing Liu

The Way Forward Jing Liu

History is messy and complicated. Every country has skeletons in its cupboards and will give you different justifications or reasons as to why they are there. The Way Forward is the fifth volume of the Understanding China Through Comics series. The series seems to be aimed at simplifying the history of China as a country, without losing the essence and vital details of the events that formed the country into what it is today.

The Way Forward makes effort to explain the nitty-gritty of macro-events, especially how it affects the common man or woman in China. We are not just told who or what made a decision at the highest level of government, we are shown how it impacted the citizens and the ramifications for the common man. This level of detail kept me engaged and invested.

While this book does not shy away from some uncomfortable subjects, there is an element of excuse for most mishaps or ill-actions caused by China. In my opinion, history books ought to stick to facts and not be apologists for any country's ideology.

This is a good introductory book for those interested in the history of China. It serves as a good entry material for those willing to learn more about one of the modern-day world powers.

Many thanks to Stone Bridge Press for providing a review copy.


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