Art As An Elevated Form Of Communication
Art is usually considered inferior to text - an examination of people's attitude to comics versus normal textbooks is a testament to that. However, what if art is actually an elevated form of communication? What if the medium has more to offer us if we open our minds and allow it to show us its secrets. Teaching Artfully is all about the exploration of the possibilities of art for both the artists and the people who consume it as a medium.
This book reminds me of Nick Sousanis' Unflattening, hence I was not surprised to see his name at the bottom of the foreword. Teaching Artfully is a meditation on the nature of art and how it can help us understand ourselves and the world as well. It is a book that points out the potential of art to inspire out-of-the-box thinking and perspectives.
It does not matter if you are an artist or not, Teaching Artfully is for anyone who is open to learning what art has to offer for their self-development as a human being.
Many thanks to Diamond Books for providing a review copy.
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