Stop Fixing Yourself by Anthony De Mello - Book Recommendation


Stop Fixing Yourself by Anthony de Mello

The first came across Anthony de Mello's name over two decades ago when I picked up The Song of the Bird at a friend's house. The stories in that book fascinated me to no end that I ended up reading them over and over (more than four times, I think). I still remember a few of those stories and do tell them to my loved ones occasionally. Hence it was my pleasure to come across Stop Fixing Yourself and, with my busy schedule, I couldn't wait to steal some time away to enjoy the book.

Stop Fixing Yourself has the clarity and simplicity of Anthony de Mello's other books. It is easy to read and littered with simple stories that illustrate various points, one of which is that there are no spiritual exercises or self-help path to finding happiness. The author says that the more we do these things, the further happiness moves away. On the other hand, doing nothing, he explains, is more likely to get us to our goal than our endless fixation on improving or fixing ourselves.

The themes in this book are timely and a counterpoint to most of what we understand about fulfilment and self-improvement today. Stop Fixing Yourself is a wholesome book to read in its entirety.


Anyone seeking knowledge and truth about human nature would have a good time reading Stop Fixing Yourself.

Many thanks to Beyond Words Publishing for review copy.


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