Black Sheep: Unleash the Extraordinary, Awe-Inspiring, Undiscovered You by Brant Menswar - Book Recommendation

Black Sheep: Unleash the Extraordinary, Awe-Inspiring, Undiscovered You by Brant Menswar

Black Sheep's main theme is built around finding your "what". To find our purpose and lead meaningful lives, the author believes we must establish what our core values are, our so-called non-negotiables. He says it is when we define what these are that we can live our truth as well as make meaningful choices without second-guessing ourselves.

It is written in a straight-forward style and the author wastes no time diving into the meat of his premise.

While the main idea behind this work is valid, it doesn't warrant so many pages. There is so much repetition as well as padding to make this into a bigger book. There is a feeling of having absorbed the main thrust of the book by the time the reader is halfway through.

Those who love the self-help genre might find one or two things to like here.

Many thanks to Page Two for a review copy.


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