It Takes What It Takes by Trevor Moawad - A Review

It Takes What It Takes is a book that examines the benefits of the principles of Taoism and mindfulness in improving professional sportspeople's mentality and performance on the field of play. The author brands the Taoism principle of non-judgment as neutral thinking - a mindset that does not judge or discriminates based on past experience but seeks to look at all experiences as what they are.

I have always felt mindfulness has its place within all areas of life, sports included. It is helpful to see its application to sports and how professionals can benefit from such practice.

As much as I believe mindfulness has its place in all aspects of life, I still have a bit of reluctance in the way it is used as some kind of competitive edge in sports. Thus I cannot but feel a sense of misappropriation of these spiritual principles.

This is a book that won't set off fireworks in most. The writing is dull and languid. The examples and anecdotes are disjointed and thus presents an incoherent narration.

People looking to improve their mental side of competition(in sports or other fields) and might find some use here. Mindfulness practitioners might be interested in how some sportsmen and women use this practice in real life.

Many thanks to HarperCollins for a review copy.


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