Curtis White And The Revitalisation Of Counterculture

Living In A World That Can't Be Fixed touches on the rot that is at the root of today's social, economic and political landscape. The author examines mainstream narratives of competition, individualism and compliance as parts of this rot that is causing unhappiness, destruction, and soul-poverty in the modern world. The book lifts up counterculture as one way of combating this rot and preaches the act of civil disobedience as a tool of freedom from cultural narratives that serves just a few.

Living In A World That Can't Be Fixed did a good job of analysing some of the causes of the world's present upheaval and the despair that comes with it. From climate problems to the rise of fanatics to the gradual decrease in empathy towards those less well-off, the book lifts the veil on how the opinions of a few get imposed on the many by way of money, indoctrination, tribalism, and deceit.

If you are looking for solutions to the problems laid down by the author or ways to start some sort-of counterculture program, this book offers none. This is, in fact, a genius move and in line with the spirit of counterculture that thrives on seeking your own way, filling up a gap within your community and coming up with your own preferred solutions. Like the author posited, "There is no best way to live and knowing that may be the best way to live."

The book starts a bit slow and ponderous. However, pieces start to fall into place in the second chapter. This is not a book for speed-reading, at least if you want to get into the marrow of it.

People seeking inspiration to start anything revolutionary will benefit from the author's examples and analyses of successful as well as unsuccessful countercultural phenomena in the United States of America. Folks fed up with the current political climate in their respective countries might gain from some of the perspectives offered by the author.

Many thanks to Melville House for the review copy.


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