Living In A World That Can't Be Fixed touches on the rot that is at the root of today's social, economic and political landscape. The author examines mainstream narratives of competition, individualism and compliance as parts of this rot that is causing unhappiness, destruction, and soul-poverty in the modern world. The book lifts up counterculture as one way of combating this rot and preaches the act of civil disobedience as a tool of freedom from cultural narratives that serves just a few. WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE WORK Living In A World That Can't Be Fixed did a good job of analysing some of the causes of the world's present upheaval and the despair that comes with it. From climate problems to the rise of fanatics to the gradual decrease in empathy towards those less well-off, the book lifts the veil on how the opinions of a few get imposed on the many by way of money, indoctrination, tribalism, and deceit. If you are looking for solutions to the problems laid ...