There Is No Breaking Free From "Fate", Even If You Hate The Word

The word "destiny" or "fate" has become dirty and regressive. you might as well substitute it for "inhibition" or "stagnation".   when we don't like the options we are presented with, we often say, "i will chart my own course." or "i will determine my own fate."  however, if we agree that we do not know what the future holds, what our fate is, how exactly can we break free from it? what exactly are we breaking free from?  in order words, when we say we are breaking free from fate, all we might be doing is just being proactive and determined in the face of adversity.   fate or destiny is not too separate from the ingredients that make up who we are. a man or woman with the ingredients that reflects the love of human physical bodies and health would do well to strive after aligning themselves to that destiny. that is what fate is.... cooking with the ingredients you have been given and seeing how sweet a dish you can make for the world to partake of.  there is no breaking free from who we are - no breaking free from fate. trying to do that is like working against our own interest while sabotaging our joy and self-fulfilment.

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