Aaron Swartz at Boston Wiki Meetup in 2009. Photo by Sage Ross, CC-BY-SA-2.0 “Transparency is a slippery word; the kind of word that, like reform, sounds good and so ends up getting attached to any random political thing that someone wants to promote. But just as it’s silly to talk about whether “reform” is useful (it depends on the reform), talking about transparency in general won’t get us very far. Everything from holding public hearings to requiring police to videotape interrogations can be called ' transparency '—there’s not much that’s useful to say about such a large category. In general, you should be sceptical whenever someone tries to sell you on something like ‘reform’ or ‘transparency.’ In general, you should be sceptical. But in particular, reactionary political movements have long had a history of cloaking themselves in nice words.” In a collection of essays, blog posts and lectures by Aaron Swartz (1986 - 2013) before his untimely death, the IT whizz kid e...