Moffitt & Khodabandeh’s Take On The Iranian Revolution of 1979

3D Book
The Little Red Fish's greatest strength is its simplicity.

Author: James Moffitt & Bizhan Khodabandeh

Title: The Little Red Fish, Volume 2

Paperback: 354 pages

Publisher: Rosarium Publishing

Publishing Date: 15 Dec. 2015

Genre: Graphic Novel/Allegory


Reviewer: ‘Yomi ‘Segun Stephen

Review Rating: 4 (Good)

It is difficult writing a book review on a story that is so straight-forward and simple you can fish out a ruler and take measurements. Well, here we go:
  1. The image above is that of Manuchere, the shape-shifting leader of a fish society. He is injured from an earlier battle.
  2. As soon as Manuchere heals and becomes well, he learns his enemies still plot against him and his rule.
  3. The herons, with the help of Manushere's political enemies, ambushes him in a bid to kill him.
  4. Buy the book to learn what happens next.
The Little Red Fish's greatest strength is its simplicity. It reads like a fairy tale. To great extent, it is a children story. However, the book's creators did reveal the book as an allegory. The Little Red Fish is based on Iran's revolution of 1979 leading to the coup of Prime Minister Mossaddegh and the rise of Khomeini.
The art is unlike anything I've seen. It is unique, dark and broody - like that of a story belonging to the horror genre. The drawing lines are thin and structured in a way that makes you think of a metal sculpture, especially when you consider the dark backgrounds of the art. I love it.
You don't need to grab the Volume 1 of this book to understand the whole story, which is a plus.

If you fancy, light leisure reading, then you might like The Little Red Fish #2.
Many thanks to Rosarium Publishing for review copy.

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