Title: The Spectators
Author: Victor Hussenot
Pages: 128 pages
Publisher: Nobrow Ltd (9 Feb. 2015)
Measured against our lifetimes, the stuff of cities seems fixed and eternal...But, being built by man, it too – like him – will perish in the end.
When we look at the world, what do we see? We see people. We see ourselves. We see reality in different lights. The Spectators by Victor Hussenot is a perspective, or should I say “perspectives” of our being and existence.
The Spectators takes snapshots of life interactions and experiences, using them to explain our life journeys, its different stages, the brevity of life and the fact that humanity is all the same, even if our experiences differs.
The Spectators’ colourful panels of art shows concepts upon concepts of how life makes its indelible prints on us as humans. The book tells us that we are players in every game and whatever new “game” or circumstance we encounter sets us on a course to experience different people who, sometimes, are not what we expect. Like the author of the book of Ecclesiastes, The Spectators concludes that there is “nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). And nothing is built to last forever.
It is surprising that Victor Hussenot uses a picture book/graphic novel to showcase this kind of theme. Graphic novels are not popular for reflective, stream of consciousness writing. It is a stroke of genius, though. The art is mesmerising and speaks on another level from the scant writings. You could look at just the art and still take something away. It has that level of detail and expression.
The Spectators is a unique and valuable work. I like it.
Mesmerising art
Unique project
Many thanks to Nobrow Ltd for review copy.
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