Book Review: NIV Essentials Study Bible

Bulky study bibles and commentaries have long been known as the preserve of those who wants to be bible teachers, pastors, youth leaders, etc. The way these books are structured and written favours the academic-brained but a chore for those who love light reading.

The NIV Essentials Study Bible doesn’t feel this way, though. It has the simplicity, both in structure and content, to appeal to those who just want to enjoy and assimilate the content for themselves, not because they want to stand in front of people to preach or teach. Even a new Christian will feel very comfortable and not overwhelmed reading NIV Essentials Study Bible. 

So what makes this study bible unique in terms of structure and content? Firstly, it has a very minimalist outlook, no cluttering and mashing-up of sections. There is enough space between the sections to make sense of what is what without getting confused. Apart from the minimalist look, the language used is simple and in everyday English. There are basic concepts listed in bullet points for you learn about a book before you start reading, maps to show the locations of the events in each book, key players, Q&A, and other stuff that makes the reader understand what the book is all about as well as relate it to the modern world.

The only downside I have is that the kindle version was aesthetically ugly. The paper version is far better.
Having said that, NIV Essentials Study Bible has the feel of someone guiding our hands and eyes to see, understand, and comprehend this complex spiritual guide. For this, I heartily recommend it.

Note: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


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