
Showing posts from December, 2020

What's The Point Of School by JP Ay - Book Recommendation

What's The Point Of School by JP Ay looks at the weaknesses of the present educational system - how it fails its students at what matters most.    Written from the perspective of a student, the book discusses how the modern-day school curriculum cares only about grades and fails to give pupils what they need to thrive in the world of work .    THINGS I LOVE  The fact that the author is a student lends a unique perspective to the book. The problems of modern education are well-documented, however , this book approaches it practically and explains what students can do to make the best use of their formal education .    I love the book recommendations at the end of the chapters. They are valuable for anyone seeking to learn.   DISLIKES  None.    Many thanks to Cameron Publicity & Marketing Ltd for review copy.

A More Exciting Life by School Of Life - Book Recommendation

"Because everyone refrains from uttering their truths, the price of breaking cover remains impossibly high. We collude in a mass conspiracy to suggest that love, sex, work, family life, friends and holidays unfold in a way we know in our hearts they simply don’t. We remain at the dawn of any collective capacity to acknowledge what fundamental parts of life are actually like." A More Exciting Life: A Guide to Greater Freedom, Spontaneity and Enjoyment is a book that examines different aspects of modern life and offers perspectives on how to live in a way that is true to yourself and your ideals. This is a book that advocates the value of finding your own voice and learning to turn your back on societal values that put undue burden on your psyche. THINGS I LOVE Some of the ideas here are fairly unique and fresh to me. I love the author's take on the later life of Van Gogh and the value of simplicity. Not many books broach the importance of laziness and taking l...

Breathless Sleep...No More by Paul Rodriguez - Book Recommendation

Breathless Sleep...No More is an account of the author's journey in overcoming sleep apnoea. It details the lifestyle changes he made over the years - what worked for him and what did not. THINGS I LOVE The simplicity of the book lies in its honesty and relatability. The author goes right to the heart of the manner from the early parts of the book, telling us solutions to sleep apnoea and which of them helped him. He gives information on the kind of breathing technique he employs, how he learned it, and how anyone can use it to their greatest benefit. DISLIKES None. Many thanks to Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) for review copy.