The Intricate Mechanics of Divide and Rule
Imbalance (Part One) paints a detailed picture of what happens when "progress" or what counts for innovation and societal change leave people worse off. Imbalance Part Two , on the other hand, delves deep into the mechanics of divide and rule. In the latest part, we witness Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph trying to get to the bottom of the conflict between benders and non-benders in Cranefish Town. After much investigation, they discovered that one of the town elders is organising and pulling benders together to act against non-benders. This particular elder tells benders that the technological innovations made by the non-benders are designed to keep benders out of jobs as well as relegate them in society. Much of this story details the methods Aang and his friends employ to find out the truth. It also looks at the difficult decisions that await Aang in particular when confronted with the reality of the situation. Imbalance Part Two is a story that mirrors the wor...