Life And Wisdom In Sean Michael Wilson And Cary Kwok's Graphic Tao de Ching
Tao De Ching by Sean Michael Wilson and Cary Kwok is a word and graphic commentary to Lao Tzu's Chinese philosophy classic. WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE WORK I love Tao de Ching and it is refreshing to see it being interpreted in a different medium. Though William Scott Wilson's translation isn't my favourite, the authors did their best to bring out the meaning most personal to them, which is one of the cores of Taoist teachings. DISLIKES I could not comprehend the meaning behind a few of the drawings. However, most were easy enough to understand. WHO IS IT FOR People familiar with Tao de Ching would want to dip into this. Newcomers should find it suitable for comprehension and enjoyment. Many thanks to Shambhala Publications for review copy.