Review: In Praise of Wasting Time

The last five years have brought to the fore voices telling us the dangers of too much screen time and online addiction. In Praise of Wasting Time adds its voice to the saturated space about the dangers of modern technology, the advantages of slowing down, and what we are losing by addiction to modern comforts. WHO WOULD ENJOY IT? Anyone looking tocut back on digital exposure might learn a thing or two here. IS IT WORTH READING? Yes, it is.However, if you have read a similar book to this in the past, there is no guarantee this book will give a new perspective or say anything you do not already know. The author's writing is clear and the examples he uses are engaging, but you are in a danger of getting bored if you have read similar books. SAMPLE PASSAGE "Psychologist Anthony Pellegrini and others have concluded that play, in animals as well as humans, allows individual to focus on means rathr than ends. In play, an individual can try out new things, revise, modi...