
Showing posts from August, 2016

Author Interview - Dane Cobain, Author of - The Rise & Fall of a Social Network

Dane Cobain is an independent poet, musician, and storyteller with a passion for language and learning. When he’s not in front of a screen writing stories and poetry, he can be found working on his book review blog or developing his website, . His debut novella, No Rest for the Wicked , was released in the summer of 2015. Dane Cobain is actually the first author I'm interviewing on my site and I'm honoured to do so. Here are my questions and his answers: 1. Your bio on Twitter says "Social media marketer, poet, musician and author". Are you really all of these things? I’m all of those things and more. I work in social media marketing for a creative agency called fst in the daytime, and then I work on everything else at night and at the weekend. I generally think of myself just as a ‘writer’, which encompasses everything from fiction writing to poetry, music, and journalism. 2. How do you juggle these passions without one not overwhelming ...

Susan David On How To Be Emotionally Agile


The Demonic Bible School For Demons - Lesson X

A webcomic on why prayer is relatively low on the scale of spiritual difficulty and why we ought to stive to do the right things.

The Demonic Bible School For Demons - Lesson IX

A webcomic about God's preference of light over darkness.

Review: Amy Kurzweil's Flying Couch


The Demonic Bible School For Demons - Lesson VIII


Review - Dragon Age Magekiller


The Demonic Bible School For Demons - Lesson VII
