
Showing posts from July, 2016

The Demonic Bible School For Demons - Lesson VI


The Demonic Bible School For Demons - Lesson V


Review: Solutions For Cold Feet & Other Little Problems by Carey Sookochef

Age Range: 4 - 8 years Grade Level: Preschool - 3 Hardcover: 48 pages Publisher: Tundra Books (October 11, 2016) Language: English Many thanks to Penguin Random House Canada for review copy.

Review: (un)Natural Mom by Hettie Brittz

Society puts more pressure on Moms to perform. (un)Natural Mom by Hettie Brittz lays bare the pressures that the modern Mom face to keep up appearances to show the world they are competent and truly care for their children. However, no matter how hard Moms try, they are not perfect. And some people have to work hard at it than others. Asserting this reality is where this book excels. The author believes, that whatever you might be going through as a Mom, you are the perfect mother for your children. (un)Natural Mom states there are 4 types of parenting profiles and most Moms in the world fit into one or two of these categories. The author calls this categorisation, The Tall Trees Parenting Profile (T 2 P 2 ). This profiling technique is a bit like the Myers-Briggs personality profile where different personality types are explained and their features categorised. In short, the T 2 P 2 is like the Myers-Briggs personality profile for Moms. There are 4 categories or personalities un...

Loving Life In All Seasons


Super Saint Syndrome
