The Last Samurai – John Man
The book is about ancient Japan ’s cultural shift, the rise and fall of the samurai, and the story of one man called Saigo who had a part in ushering in a dramatic change in Japan ’s cultural, economic, and political landscape. The book starts as far back as the seventh century, when Japan first came together under an emperor. It is said that this imperial unity lasted for about 500 years and forms the bedrock of the earliest samurai traditions. The samurai tradition flourishes for many centuries and remains a dominant force even after Japan was unified in 1600. After 1600, these “violent, proud, and prickly warriors continue survive on “rice-stipends wrung as tax from farmers, merchants, and artisans, and would remain a vital force for another 300 relatively peaceful years.” The arrival of American ships in 1845 opens the country after 250 years of isolation and alters the course of Japanese history. It is amid these events that a samurai named Saigo grew in political stature an...